Founded in 1997, NBC is a non-profit association of Employee Assistance and Managed Behavioral Health innovators dedicated to improving employee wellbeing and mental health while setting the standards for workforce support.  Run by members, NBC comprises the industry’s premier visionaries and thought leaders – individuals whose expertise and commitment have not only shaped their respective fields, but continue to define them today.

Enhancing Wellbeing & Productivity at All Organizational Levels

NBC’s top-tier providers deliver concierge-level support to:

  • Help employees address emotional, mental health, work-life and workplace challenges, while guiding managers and executives on leadership and workforce issues
  • Enable multiple, easy access paths to high-quality clinical networks via phone, text, video, in-person sessions and other modalities for a healthier, higher performing workforce
  • Offer employee services beyond mental health such as legal and financial guidance, child and elder care sourcing, life management tools, and leadership development
  • Manage organizational disruptions and challenges through crisis response services, management training, webinars, customized solutions, and more
  • Serve 100% of employees at organizations of all sizes in over 30 industries, assisting at every enterprise level based on distinct needs and characteristics
  • Draw on 25+ years’ of proven experience including the ability to synthesize a variety of benefits to meet complex needs
  • Work as a collaborative, trusted HR partner to address individual and organizational issues, drive engagement, manage cultural challenges, and meet changing needs
  • Support over 30 million lives nationally and globally.

Sharing Insights and Outcomes

Membership in NBC is by invitation only. Members meet in person twice a year and on a regular, remote basis monthly. Regardless of format, NBC provides an open, supportive environment where members share unique ideas, experiences, and insights through formal presentations, informal discussions, and networking opportunities – all with the goal of advancing care.

Remote learning takes place during NBC’s monthly Town Hall meetings and in small groups that convene regularly, including active groups of industry specialists in marketing, account management, and operations.

NBC Partners

  • NBC is proud to partner with EA Archives in its mission to collect and make publicly accessible original works, historical documents and other materials related to the EAP field. The Archive preserves important documents in, and directly related to, the EAP field and serves as a global repository for significant publications and presentations related to EAP.